Friday 2 October 2015

9 tips to help you take the leap of faith & start your own business...!

In today’s world almost all of us want to be our own bosses and to create our own fortunes. We know that we can make our dreams come true rather than work our asses off for someone else but sometimes it is scary and we have that fear of not being good enough. I know I have been feeling like that but here are some helpful tips to keep in mind when you decide to follow your dreams.

Keep your day job in the beginning

No matter how bad your job is or how badly you want to go it alone, not having the finances to fall back on if things go sour is not ideal. Rather start small and when your company is making the same amount or more that you make a month, for a few consecutive months, then you can resign and concentrate on your business full time. It will be hard work juggling work and your business plus if you have a family, but as the quote says “Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.”

Start something you are good at

As important as all the other points are, you need to know all here is too know about your product or idea before you can start a business from it. You must know all the ins and outs. This will help you make something that is of superior quality. 

Stop comparing yourself to others

We all do this without fail. We always think we are not good enough and that someone else is better, but you know what? No one is better than other. There is enough room in this large world for all of us. Your concept might seem the same as someone else, but you bring your own unique ideas, and that is what will make you stand out. So stop comparing yourself and know that you are good enough!

Know your market

You will have to do extensive research on your target market. You will have to know who the products or business will suit and you will have to set out a full demographic list. You will also need to know how you will market your product. How will you get people talking about it? This is where a business plan will come into great use. Remember “Failing to plan is planning to fail.”

Build a loyal following

Not only must your products be of superior quality but the service you supply to them must be the best too. From the packaging to the customer service, you need to be on your A game all the time. Your clients are what makes your business and if you treat them like platinum, they will stay loyal to you forever!

Envision the way you want your life to be

If you have read the book The Secret, you will know the Law of Attraction, where if you continuously think of something it will come to you. Not money or cars, but if you think of wealth and prosperity, these things will come to you. Being a creative person, I couldn’t grasp it until I read, The Fairy Godmother’s Guide to getting what you want by Donna McCallum. She uses a technique called Dream Mapping in her book and she also has a workshop where she teaches you to create your own. This is one of the truly amazing workshops you will ever attend. Donna is a real life Fairy Godmother and the best mentor anyone can have. You can attend her workshop here.

Find a supportive circle

This has to be one of the most important things! We all need people who believe in our dreams. People who are supportive and caring. This group doesn’t only have to consist of family but also friends and mentors. And no matter what, there will always be people who want to see you fail and who will be negative. These are the people you definitely don’t need in your circle. So choose wisely.

Believe in yourself

As much as you need a supportive circle, you also need to believe in yourself. You need to believe that you have the knowledge and determination to make your dream a success. You also need to trust your instincts and never let anyone belittle you. I would recommend you read #GirlBoss from Sophia Amoruso. Her insights into starting her brand and believing in herself is something we can all learn from.

Do things your way

In business things are either black or white, right? But why does it have to be like that? In most other things in life you have to know the rules so you can break them! This should apply to business too. Learn the rules and then make them your own. If you don’t like doing things like others then don’t do them like that. As long as it works for you and helps you succeed, why not?

I hope this helps you to achieve your dreams. If you have any other tips, please share them below, I am always open to learning more! 

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