Monday 29 February 2016


While playing on Pinterest recently I came across various DIY makeup brush holders and thought that they looked so stunning and chic. I have been using my Sugar & Vice cups as brush holders but wanted to rather use them for my morning cuppa. I decided to make this stunning DIY brush holder that has enough space to hold all my brushes and some of my liners.

What you will need:

* 4 Tin cans (washed and the lid removed)
* Piece of wood for base (large enough for your tins) (bought from a hardware store)
* Small screws
* Primer
* Spray paint in colour of choice


* Remove the lids off the cans you have chosen to use. Make sure the tins are smooth and free from hard edges. I used a small hammer to do this.

* Mark out where you want your tins to stand on the board. Then using small screws and a screw driver attach the tins to the board. (I had my dad around for help, so ask your dad or significant other for help if need)

* Once tins are attached it is now time to prime the whole project. Use a white base primer as it will make your colour pop. I used 2 coats of primer, leaving it to dry for about 20 minutes, before applying the next layer.

* Once the primer is dry, you can start applying the colour. Remember to keep the can about 15 cm away from the project. I used 3 layers of paint, again leaving the project for about 20 minutes before spraying it.

* Leave the whole project to dry for about an hour, to make sure the paint is dry, then style as you desire.

P.S. This would also work brilliantly as a desk aid for you pens and markers. For kids, spray it different colours. 

If you have made this project or have other ideas for what it can be used, why not leave a comment down below. 
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