Monday 7 March 2016


We all love soft, smooth lips. But sometimes our lips are just so chapped that not even lipice works. There are scrubs available from Lush that take away the chapped look but what if you could make a lip scrub at home, from ingredients in your pantry. 
* Empty pot 
* White sugar to fill the pot
* 30 ml of Grapeseed Oil
* 2 drops Vanilla Extract
* 2 drops Food Coloring (Pinks or Reds)
* Measure out the right amount of sugar you will need. I work this out by first putting sugar into the pot and then decanting it into the bowl for mixing.
* Add in your grapeseed oil and mix thoroughly. It might not look like enough but just continue mixing. 
* Once mixed add in the vanilla extract. This will give the scrub a sweet smell and also a great taste so the scrub is edible.
* Add in the food coloring. Remember to use a small amount and also a pink or red as you wouldn't want green lips. 
* Transfer back to the container and you are ready to go! 
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