Tuesday, 26 April 2016


I never post on a Tuesday but I was nominated by Sammy from Sammyheartsthis for the Liebster Award and I already have my content planned for the week so I’m posting it now. The Liebster award is where one blogger nominates other bloggers to answer a few questions about themselves. This way you get to know the blogger and also grow your audience. There are so many talented bloggers who I love and I have nominated them to do this challenge.  I love these ladies’ blogs and enjoy reading them every day.

Once nominated you must answer the questions that I have chosen for you and then nominate 10 fellow bloggers. 

What does your blog mean to you?

My blog is my sanctuary. It is a place where I can express my love for all things beauty. I love coming up with ideas for my blog and taking pictures. It motivates me and drives me.

Why did you start a blog?

Initially I started my blog with a more lifestyle orientated theme, but my love for all things beauty and makeup has taken over my blog. I also saw it as a way to claim my little part of the internet. I hoped it would be a place people love to come to.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Creative, emotional and strong.

What is something you wish someone had told you before you started?

That it is not as easy as it seems. That it takes hard work and determination. There have been times where I have wanted to give up because I didn’t feel like my blog was going anywhere. But I am glad I kept with it. I also wish someone had told me that you shouldn’t try to be like the bigger bloggers. Be you and people will be drawn to you for that.

What is your favorite food?

My favorite food will always be anything with spinach and feta. I love spanakopita’s and would eat them every day of the week.

What track is playing on your ipod right now?

Jordan Belfort by Wes Walker & Dyl. This song is on repeat. All day every day. It has gotten so bad that Robbie has begged me to stop playing it. I’m that person who will play a song over and over.

What has been your biggest achievement so far?

Non blog related, my biggest achievement is raising my son by myself. He is the light of my life and he is the motivation behind everything I do. Blog related, it would have to be getting contacted by my first PR company. Knowing that brands have been watching my blog is a huge achievement for me.

What is your life motto?

My life motto is this one by Lewis Carrol: I'm not strange, weird, off, nor crazy. My reality is just different from yours.

Who is your biggest inspiration?

I have a few. Firstly, my son, then it would have to be Jaclyn Hill. She has worked hard to become recognized and I love her determination. And lastly I would have to say Luzanne from Pink Peonies. Her blog is the best beauty blog around and she inspires me every day.

Tell me a random fact that not many people know?

I absolutely hate CLOWNS and ANTS. I hate them more than spiders, and that is saying a lot. Ants just drive me insane. There are too many of them and I honestly would be happy if they never existed.

Where is the best place you have travelled to?

I have only travelled in South Africa but we have beautiful landscapes right here so I’m not that hasty to travel overseas just yet. The best place has to be Margate on the South Coast. We vacation there every year. The people are super friendly and it is just the whole atmosphere. There people have no rush and it is just really laid back. If I could move anywhere in the world, I would be there in a heartbeat.

Here are the rules ladies:

* Thank the blogger that nominated you through your blog or social media
* Answer the questions by the blog that nominated you
* Nominate 5-11 other bloggers (with under 1,000 followers on Instagram)
* Create 11 new questions for the nominees to answer
* Notify all nominees via social media

My nominations are:

Questions for the Nominees:

* Favorite vlogger at the moment?

* Best blogging advice ever received?

* Your ultimate blog goal?

* Favorite beauty brand?

* Where do you get ideas for you blog posts?

* Ultimate favorite dessert?

* If money was no option, which 3 beauty products would you buy right now?

* You are writing your memoirs. Show us the first paragraph of the first chapter.

* Name 5 people (dead or alive) that you would invite for dinner?

* What is your most prized possession?

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