Friday 11 September 2015

20 Random Question Tag

My friend and fellow blogger Caley from Ellie Love did this awesome 20 random question tag on Tuesday (you can check out hers here) and I love letting people into my life a little. So here is my Q & A… 

Favorite food

Would definitely have to be anything with spinach and feta. From Pizza Perfect’s La Med pizza to the traditional Spanakopita.

Flip flops or high heels

Definitely flip flops. I have no love for heels what so ever.

Favorite place to shop for yourself

Definitely Mr Price and Woolworths.

Standard coffee order

Cappuccino or on cold days Hot Chocolate

Road trip must have snack

Pringles without a doubt and maybe some biltong. I’m not fond of sweets.

DIY or hire out

Oh DIY all the way. My dad is really handy and can make anything. I love designing unique pieces and making them. Something I learnt in my Interior Design course. I also love creative DIY projects, arts and crafts that kind of thing. 

Top 5 TV shows

Revenge, NCIS: Los Angeles, Chopped, Great British Interior Design Challenge and Ridiculousness

Favorite book

This one is hard, as I love to read but my favorite has to be the Fifty Shades of Grey series. (Don’t kill me please)

Favorite form of exercising

Dancing. I have been dancing since I was 7 so it comes naturally.

How tall


Do you try something new at restaurants or stick to what you know

Stick to what I know. I am set in my ways. I know I am probably missing out on so much but that’s just me.

One makeup item you can’t live without

Eyeshadow! I have way too many palettes but I just can’t get enough. If I see one I love in the shops, I have to buy it.

What’s on your nightstand

Vanilla room spray, docking station and books.

What has motherhood taught you

Definitely patience and how to remain calm when your toddler throws a tantrum. It has also made me realize that I could never love someone as much as I love my son. He is my world.

Music that reminds you of high school

If you could live anywhere in the world beside your current city, where would you live

My first thought is definitely Ireland, I love the calm and tranquility. But I also love the South Coast of Kwazulu Natal, especially Margate. But if I had to choose right now, it would be Margate.

Tell us something we might not know

I used to dance when I was younger and won South African Dance Champ when I was 12. I had dreams of becoming a choreographer and having my own studio, but my dreams were crushed when I hurt my back and was told I couldn’t dance again. L I am also deathly scared of clowns and chainsaws – IT and Texas Chainsaw Massacre is all I will say.

Websites you read / brows (besides blogs)

Pinterest, News 24 , E online, Buzzfeed,

Morning person or night owl

Both. As long as there is coffee I am happy.

Favorite breakfast meal

I don’t eat breakfast during the week. (I know so naughty but it makes me really sick when I do) But on weekends I like to eat bacon and eggs. 

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