Monday 28 September 2015

Margate holiday 2015

Sometimes one just needs a break from your normal routine, just to relax and find yourself again, which is what happened this weekend. My dad, Robbie and I went on our annual “holiday” to Margate. We have been going there for a few years and it has a special place in our hearts.  This quaint little town has the most amazing views and the locals are super friendly.

We drove down at 1am on Thursday morning and arrived in Durban just after 7am. The drive down was great and arriving when the sun rises over the ocean is just spectacular. Even on a cloudy day. After the long trip we had breakfast at Wimpy on the promenade. We decided to take a drive to the Bluff, a place that holds many fond memories for me. The pools and slides are where my cousins and I used to play as children. Seeing Robbie playing there felt like I had come full circle. 

The pools I used to play at when I was younger
After our trip down memory lane, we hit the road to Margate, which is about an 1 ½ hour drive from Durban. The weather is strange down on the coast, hot and overcast, just the way I like it. Somehow I always seem to feel like I can breathe better and just all round feel better when I’m at the coast. When we arrived in Margate, there were hundreds of people, all coming for the long weekend. The main beach was really full and the restaurants were packed. This creates such an amazing atmosphere.

Robbie on the beach in Brighton
I had been craving bunny chow since we came down. So when we arrived in Margate we decided to find a proper curry house to have lunch at. We found the most amazing little place called “Lilly’s Bread Bin”. Not a curry house but still the best bunny chows I’ve ever had!  They serve up homemade delights, from bread and Italian bread to chocolate croissants and chocolate covered brownies.  The bunny chows come in ¼ and ½ loaf breads that are baked especially for the dish. You have a selection of lamb, beef and chicken, so there is something for everyone. They do burgers, hot dogs and toasted sandwiches too. They also stock a range of banting breads and foods, which is great for the banting dieter. This is definitely a place I would recommend you visit. The food is much better than those conventional places and the atmosphere is so homey and friendly!

Lilly's Bread Bin

Lamb Bunny Chow

Bread and more bread
Our accommodation for the holiday is the place we always stay, Santana Holiday Flats. What I love about these places is that 1) it is right on the beach, 2) it is a full flat and 3) it is the cheapest place to stay. Please don’t confuse cheap with substandard, because this definitely isn’t. There is all the luxuries of a hotel but it is self-catering. They have a full restaurant down stairs, as well as a pool and play area for the kids. As I said it is on the beach, so you basically don’t have to drive anywhere. They also have a beauty spa on premises, so you can enjoy a pamper session while the kids play or enjoy their time on the beach. You also won’t get better views anywhere around Margate.

Santana Holiday Resort
Robbie enjoyed playing on the beach, building sand castles and making moats. He isn’t too fond of the sea and runs away every time a wave breaks near where he was playing. He loved helping me collect sea shells and we made a game of finding the largest ones. What he really enjoyed most was playing on the trampoline. We couldn’t get him off there. No matter how hard we tried. He also loved the pool, total water baby.

Robbie on the beach
We went on this weekend with the plan to just relax and that is exactly what we did. We spent most of our time on the beach and at the pool. It is true what they say, sea sand is the best exfoliator for your body. My skin has never been this soft before. On Saturday we went and drove around a bit and came across this amazing little flea market called Sebenza Village nestled in between the trees. There are restaurants, a nursery and about 10 log cabins with businesses ranging from arts and crafts to cosmetics.

Sebenza Village
Of course I couldn’t stay away from the cosmetics shop, and was pleasantly surprised to find brands like Revlon and Yardley all around. I bought 2 Revlon Colourburst balms (lacquer and matte) for only R60 each, I also bought the Revlon PhotoReady 3D Volume mascara for only R 90 and I bought the Yardley Radiant Glo Illuminator for R 50. A bargain I would say.

I also had a lot of time to do some soul searching. Time to find out what I want to achieve before I turn 30. My dreams and wishes, as well as the life I want for Robbie. And when it was time to pack up and leave my heart felt like I was leaving a piece of my soul behind. On Saturday night I must have sat outside on the balcony, for what felt like ages, just wishing I could stay there. My heart will always belong in Margate. Hopefully one day I can call it home.

Overall the breakaway did me the world of good and I am more focused than ever before. It is amazing what a little break can do for you! Have you been to Margate? I would love to hear about your experiences, so leave a comment below. 

Going home!

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