Tuesday 29 December 2015


I can’t believe my blog is nearly a year old. It seems like just yesterday I started it and here I am nearly a year on and still loving it. I never thought about writing a list of blog goals but I needed some direction about where I was going with my blog.

Get 200 loyal readers daily

This is something Margaret Zhang from Shine Three once said, “It is better to have 100 loyal followers than 100 000 who just browse your blog.” This resonated with me. I would rather have a few loyal readers than many who just browse.

Increase twitter following to 1500

Although we would love millions of followers, I would just like to double my followers. Maybe in a few years I could get a larger following but for now that is ok.

Increase Facebook likes to 500

Facebook is a hard one too crack. As much as I would like to have thousands of followers. Having 500 is my goal for next year. Guess buying the promotion is going to have to be an option.

Give my readers more of what they want

Sometimes it feels like some posts don’t work. So I want to create a survey to see exactly what readers want more of. Then I will start working on more of those posts.

Write an eBook

This has been a goal of mine for quite a while. Although it was more of a book than an eBook. I plan of creating a series of eBooks like makeup techniques to beauty and skincare info. Or maybe I will just create one larger eBook.

Comment more on other blogs

Although I do comment a lot. I want to start commenting on every blog post I read. I want to give meaningful comments and make friends with other bloggers.

Do more foodie posts

I love cooking and baking and would love to incorporate more of these types of posts into the blog.

Create a weekly feature

I envy fellow bloggers who have monthly or weekly features as it gives your readers something to look forward too. Whenever I come up with a concept I doubt myself and think that readers might think it is stupid or lame. I need to start believing in myself more.

Work on my photography

My photos aren’t bad but I feel they aren’t great. So I want to brush up on my skills. I also want to buy different backgrounds and more props. (Flowers are getting irritating now)

Brainstorm monthly, creating a theme and a content calendar

I have a calendar on which I write all my ideas but I would like to be more structured and brainstorm in the beginning of the month. I want to post 3 times a week and create a strong content calendar.

I hope to bring my readers more quality content and create a space where they will enjoy coming to. Have a brilliant New Year.
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