Thursday 31 December 2015


I personally don’t like resolutions. They seem to be something that no one is ever able to obtain. So I rather set myself goals for the year. Goals that are in my reach and also obtainable throughout the year.

Get healthier

I have been letting myself go the last year but I am hoping to change that all around. I want to choose the healthier options and not give myself over to sweets and pizza. And definitely drink more water.

Rediscover hobbies that make me happy

I have always loved illustrating dresses. Since the time I was 15, when I drew my first haute couture dress. There was a moment that I thought I wanted to be a fashion designer. I even submitted my designs to an elite fashion designer in Hyde Park and was accepted to come and study with him. Alas I didn’t have the money to study at his wonderful institution and I gave up on that dream. I also slowly gave up on sketching. I hope this year to pick it up. Not to pursue the dream but just as a creative outlet.

Read more

Life gets hectic and at night when you get home there is just way too much to do. Bath little one, make dinner, clean the kitchen and so on. But this year I am challenging myself to read 1 book a month. Even if I have to read in the toilet.

Get a facial every month

My skin isn’t getting younger, so I want to make sure that it is treated once a month by a professional. I have honestly never had a facial in my life and can’t wait to experience it.

Find a second income

Unfortunately times are tough and being a single mom (without support from the father) is hard. Although I love what I do, I need a second income. Something I can do from home. Something that won’t take too much time.

Learn to drive (overcome my fear)

This is embarrassing as I am 28 and still don’t know how to drive. I will be honest here and say that I have a fear of getting behind the wheel. I am scared of being hijacked and being in an accident. This fear has inhibited me since my dad was hijacked 3 times in the space of 10 months. I know I need to overcome this fear but it is very hard for me. But I am willing to try.

Bake more

I love baking. From cupcakes to cakes. I want to learn different techniques and recipes. I also want to learn how to create Adriano Zumbo’s croquembouche.

Be more creative

There was a time when I would be creative and experiment with things every day. Lately I have lost that spark and really want to get back into it. I love DIY projects.


I need to find the peace inside of me. I am a very spiritual person and meditation comes naturally to me. Although I don’t make enough time to just reflect daily. I plan to start meditating daily.

Be happy

This is a big goal for me, as sometimes when life gets a bit too much, I go into a really dark place. I have suffered with depression since I was 20 and there are many times when I want to go back to my old ways. This year I want to see the good in every situation and to always find my happy place.

Here is to 2016. May it be a year filled with love, joy and happiness. May all your wildest dreams come true and may you find what you have always been searching for. 

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