Friday 11 December 2015


December school holidays are always either a nightmare or they can be pure bliss. I'm always one for the latter and don't want to hear, "mommy I'm bored", although Robbie has never used that word. He always finds a way to amuse himself. But for the days when he doesn't want to amuse himself I have got some cool ideas of things to do with him. 
Bounce at Waterfall Park
Show me a child or a person who doesn't love a trampoline? Bounce is a floor to wall free jump center where kids can have countless amounts of fun. You will need to book because it can get pretty busy over the holidays. 
Gold Reef City
Robbie and I simply cannot get enough of this place. He loves all the kiddies rides and is finally tall enough to ride some of the bigger rides. He also loves the train and would probably ride it the whole day. There are many other fun activities like the 4D cinema and the petting zoo. I'm all about the Anaconda and the Golden Loop. 
Swan Lake on Ice at Monte Casino
I have always wanted to see the ballet but never had the chance. I also love ice skating, and Robbie too, so this will be the best of both worlds. 
Christmas Village at Monte Casino
Ah, the allure of Christmas markets. Finding little treasures and trinkets. Robbie will be in his element and will be oohing and ahing at all the nifty little items. 
These are a few of the things that I know Robbie will enjoy. If you know of any other fun things to do, please leave me a comment below. 
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