Monday 14 December 2015


December is a time to relax after a very stressful year, and boy has this one been stressful. December time is filled with family, friends and doing things we haven't had time to do during the year. Like for instance, I wanted to read 3 books a month but that definitely didn't happen. Some books I started but never got around to finishing. So these holidays I will be relaxing with my books. Escaping to my fantasy world.

#GirlBoss - Sophia Amoruso

I have actually read this book, but the advice never gets old, so I am reading it again. Sophia gets straight to the point and her advice is really helpful. 

Girl Online - Zoe Sugg

Ok so I have read this one too, but I am refreshing my memory for when I get the new one, Girl Online On Tour. I absolutely loved this book and can't wait to read the next one. 

A Thousand Pieces of You - Claudia Gray

Another book I have read. But also another book I gravitate towards every time I look for a book to read. I also need to refresh my memory before I buy the new book, A Thousand Skies Above You. 

Looking for Alaska - John Green

I will probably get stoned for saying this but I honestly can't read John Green's books. I battle to find the flow with them and eventually just give up. I tried with Paper Towns before the movie came out but couldn't read it. So I gave up and watched the movie instead. This year I am going to make a valid effort to read this book.

Grey - EL James

My beloved trilogy. I have actually come quite far in this book but unfortunately life got a bit hectic and this is actually the last book I have read till now. So I will definitely be starting with this one. I love the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy book and am glad EL decided to bring out Christian's version. (Go ahead, judge me all you want, but I love these books)

Fangirl & Eleanor and Parker - Rainbow Rowell

Two of my all time favorite books. I love the style Rowell writes in and I can easily get lost in her fantasy world. 
These are the books I will be reading this December. If you will be doing the same things, why not let me know what books you will be reading, I would love to know. 
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