Monday 4 April 2016


I love blog tags because you get to find out so much about someone! And this being a beauty blog, I thought why not do this 7 deadly beauty sins tag. There is one question in the tag that isn't about beauty but it definitely needed an answer. 


What’s your most inexpensive Beauty Item? What’s your most expensive?

My most expensive beauty product would have to be my Real Techniques brushes. These babies are amazing and total lifesavers.  My most inexpensive beauty product will have to be the LA Girl Nude palette. A dupe for the Urban Decay Naked 3 palette and my all-time favorite of theirs.


What beauty products do I have a love/hate relationship with?

I would have to definitely say lipstick. I love looking at other people’s collections and oohing and aahing at the different colours but I just can’t bother to wear it. I have never like the feel of lipstick on my lips and honestly never will.


What are your most delicious beauty products?

My most delicious beauty product is my homemade lips scrub. With vanilla extract and sugar, it is both sweet smelling and you can definitely eat it!


What Beauty products do you neglect to use due to laziness?

Honestly, highlighter. I love adding a highlight to my face but with my morning rush, this is the one product that I totally skip. And to make matters worse is that I hoard highlighters.


What Beauty Product gives you the most self-confidence?

This has to be a combination of products. Starting off with a beautiful canvas and this can only be achieved with Rimmel Match Perfection Foundation. Moving on to my eyes, using my favorite colours from the Inglot palette and my Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara. And to finish off the look, a touch of blush with my Physicians Formula Mood enhancer blush.


What attributes do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?

What do I look for in a man? I like the manly man, the Chris Pratt’s and Chris Hemsworth’s. Preferably with a beard and some chest hair. A guy who can make me laugh and for a physical definitely blue eyes.


What items would you most like to receive as a gift?

Two products high on my wish list right now are theses stunning brushes from Sigma Brushes (great for all eyeshadow applications), the Urban Decay Naked 3 palette and a trusty beauty blender.

I would love to find out about your beauty deadly sins. Why not leave your answers in the comments below! 
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