We have all had those days, right? You wake up sad and
instead of feeling happy, you feel like you have all the world’s problems on
your shoulders. Unfortunately there isn't any conclusive answer as to why we
feel this way but there are ways to feel better. Now I’m not talking about your
classic psychology tips on feeling better, but rather fun ways, ways that you
can enjoy.
Surround yourself with positive people
Have you ever felt when you are around people who are always
depressed, you too start to get depressed? Well it might be time to change
this. Go out to a happy place and make new friends with people who like to
laugh and have fun.
Listen to music
This might seem a cliche but, when you feel really down,
turn up the volume. But don’t just put you phone or iPod on shuffle, as sad
songs will creep in, rather create a playlist with happy songs. Then put on
your earphones and turn up the bass. Soon you will be dancing and forgetting
about your sadness.
Spend time with kids and pets
Kids don’t know sadness, unless it’s a broken toy, which
means they are always laughing. Spending time with kids is a sure fire way to
brighten up your mood. They will jump on you and make you forget about being
sad. And pets, well they are always happy to interact with humans, especially
dogs. Just taking them out for a run or playing on the grass, again will make
you forget.
Okay, I know this can be a drag, but sending your metabolism
into overdrive will definitely cheer you up. It will also make you forget about
whatever is making you sad. Try running on the treadmill or pumping some
weights. You will be happier and stronger. Plus there will probably be cute
guys/girls to drool over.
Watch fail videos on YouTube
If you aren't one to gym, then why not grab you phone or
iPad and watch fail videos on YouTube. When I am down, this is a sure fire way
to get me happier again, no fail! Watching skateboarders failing down stairs or
drunk guys trying to walk, is the best way to forget about being sad.
If even the fail videos aren't working for you, then maybe
get lost in a book, where fantasy usually is better than reality. Whether it is
romance or fiction, just get lost in a book.
Take a long, hot shower/bath
Run the bath full of water and bubble bath and just submerge
yourself in it. Forget about why you are sad and just drift off into a fantasy
world. Or if you aren't one for baths, then climb under a hot shower and let
the water cascade off your head. Basically washing away the sadness. Sing if
you feel like it, but just relax.
Make a gratitude list
Being thankful for what you have is another way to be happy
again. Sometimes when we feel down, we tend to forget what we have in our
lives, when we should rather be grateful for them. You could be grateful for
whatever, your family and friends, but just being grateful is happiness in
Look at the clouds
If the weather permits, take a blanket outside and have a
look at the clouds. When we were little, we used to look up at the clouds, then
make shapes with them. Now when I look at the clouds and sky, I realize just
how tiny we are in this huge world, and that no matter what I should be happy.
Take a nap
If all else fails, take a nap, right there outside. (just
make sure you are in the shade) You will feel a million times better and when
you wake up you will realize you were down for nothing.
Do you have any ways to get out of a slump? I would love to
hear about them.
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