Thursday 5 February 2015

My Personal Manifesto....


They have been around for quiet some time, the first notable one in 1581 - The Act of Abjuration.
Since then they have evolved and become personal, with people of all ages creating their own. 
The meaning of the word manifesto is, a published verbal declaration of intentions, motives or views. 

The most famous manifesto of our time is the Holstee Manifesto.  This manifesto was created by the founders of the company Holstee, Dave, Mike and Fabian. They wanted to define their view on success and wanted something they could reflect back on when they felt they were living someone else's life. 

Holstee Manifesto
This manifesto has personally helped me through many tough decisions in my life, and I will always have a special place for it in my heart. But I decided it was time for me to create my own manifesto. 
A manifesto of the way I wanted to live my life and my beliefs. 

Why don't you make your own manifesto? It's a good way to know what you want and what you believe in.

Let me know if you have ever made yourself a personal manifesto...

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