Tuesday 14 July 2015

Life Lately...

I’ve never done this before, but I have reached such a slump that I thought maybe it would be better to get it all off my chest. Life lately has been an emotional rollercoaster. From a little one who is playing up to me just feeling like I am taking 20 steps back. I know there is always a light at the end of the tunnel but I just can’t seem to find it right now.

Robbie has been in a pretty foul mood lately and no matter how much I try to get to the bottom of it, he just wouldn’t let me in. So last week we had a turning point, when he started screaming and crying, that he doesn’t want to go to school. Now for him this is really strange because he loves school. All his teachers love him, he does well and has many friends.

So naturally as a parent you start panicking. What is happening at school to make him feel this way? Is he getting bullied? Are the teachers picking on him? No that can’t be it because he loves his teachers. How wrong was I!  On Friday morning as I drop him off at the holding class (before he goes to his normal class) he starts crying uncontrollably. I pick him up and start consoling him. The teacher who looks after the children till it is time for school to start, literally grabs him by the arm and asks him “what is your problem?”

By now my blood is boiling. How dare you touch my child in that manner? Luckily he seemed to settle down and I had a scheduled parents meeting on Friday afternoon. I voiced my concerns with his teacher and she said that it most probably is the morning teacher as she has bipolar and has started stronger medicine. Now I have nothing against anyone with bipolar, except when it comes to my child. If your medication is the reason my child is scared to come to school, you will be sure that I will make it known to the Principal, that I am not happy about it.

So to avoid my son crying and being afraid of coming to school, we will have to change our whole morning routine. This means taking him to school later and monitoring his interaction with her. My poor baby has been scared by a women seems to be mentally incapable of looking after children.

So after all this you can imagine that I am emotionally run down and tired. That doesn’t help when my brain is bursting with ideas. Things I want to do and many ideas for the blog. Also affecting this is the way I am constantly feeling. Run down and no energy. Migraines that are lasting for days. So I have decided that I need to start making my health a priority. I am making small changes hoping that it will work. Like lemon water in the mornings, and only eating whole wheat bread. Cutting out sugar and such.

I hope this works as I feel like I can’t carry on anymore. I will keep you updated on the school and how I am feeling. Thanks for reading my blog. It means a lot to me. Keep your eyes peeled for lots of new adventures on the blog.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god that is ridiculous! I hope you get some justice for Robbie. x


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